If you need to buy medicines, you can always use modern online stores that will help you to solve this problem. For example, at this website you have the opportunity to find many different medicines that you may need. If you use modern websites, then you will have a chance to find everything you need quickly enough. In this article we will talk about medications for the eyes.
Eye products are a large group of drugs that are designed for the treatment, prevention and treatment of the organs of vision. They are represented by a wide variety of chemicals and release forms. Eye medicines are divided into 3 main groups:
- Preparations whose action is aimed at relaxing muscles.
- Products that deepen the night’s rest of the eyes. They are ideal products for conditions where overloads cannot be avoided – for example, when working at the computer for a long time.
- Preparations that improve the condition of the retina. As a rule, they are antioxidants – most often of plant origin.
A special category consists of special vitamins – individual substances or multivitamins. In order to prevent the progress of myopia (myopia) and complications of this pathology, drugs are used for the eyes, whose action is aimed at improving hemodynamics. In complicated myopia tissue means are used.
Types of drugs for the eyes
Depending on the functional purpose, ophthalmologic drugs are divided into anti-inflammatory and antihistamines, vasoconstrictor, activating blood flow and dilating the pupils. Their main distinguishing feature is a unique medicinal form: eye drops. This ensures a targeted effect on the network of eye vessels, as well as the highest rate of therapeutic effect.
Products belonging to the anti-inflammatory and antihistamine group are multifunctional, so in addition to the main effect (elimination of inflammation and allergic reactions) have a pronounced antimicrobial, anti-edema and analgesic effect. They stimulate the α-adrenal receptors, resulting in a narrowing of the blood vessels. As a result, they minimize swelling and hyperemia, which always accompany inflammation. However, there are also a number of contraindications – such drugs are not recommended for hypertension, pheochromocytoma, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, coronary heart disease and diabetes.
As for the vasoconstrictor drugs, they have unidirectional action. Vasoconstriction is realized by stimulation of α-adrenor receptors. Such drugs are shown when the sclera is red due to physical or chemical stimuli (cosmetics, tobacco smoke, dust). Among the absolute contraindications are the presence of dystrophic processes on the cornea and closed coal glaucoma, as well as individual intolerance. A separate category of drugs for the eyes are those that activate the blood flow of the eyeball. In addition, they perform other functions:
- reparative;
- strengthening;
- antioxidant;
- anti-inflammatory.
Means of this group are synthesized artificially, and mechanisms and actions are not fully studied. A separate group of drugs is represented by drugs that have an effect on retinal vessels and drugs that dilate the pupils. The most rational solution would be to buy drugs for the treatment of eyes in a certified pharmacy. For example, you can use the services of this website. Here you will have the opportunity to find many quality medicines that will help you in the treatment of various diseases. Use the best options to find the best drugs.