Marketing – satisfaction management. What are other marketing definitions?
Gathered a collection of marketing definitions. It remains only to choose a definition of marketing that meets the internal notion of this science, which will be useful to you “for life”, with which it will be easier to work. Some of the collected definitions are copyright, some are folk. If you know the author – inform, I will note the copyright holder under the statement.

So what is marketing?
Sales is what you do in person, one on one. Marketing is sales made through the system. “
Robert Kiyosaki, businessman, investor, writer (quoted from his book “The Guide to Rich Dad on Investing”).
Marketing – satisfaction management. (P.Chernozubenko);
Marketing is the whole business considered from the point of view of its final result, i.e. from the point of view of the consumer (P. Drucker);
Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at meeting the needs and requirements through exchange (Kotler F. Basics of Marketing);
Marketing is the art and science of choosing the target market correctly, attracting, maintaining and increasing the number of consumers by creating customer confidence that it represents the highest value for the company, as well as an orderly and purposeful process of awareness of consumer problems and regulation of market activity (F. Kotler );
Marketing – a type of human activity aimed at meeting the needs and requirements through exchange (Philip Kotler);
Marketing is a movie in which the main character is a commodity (Jack Trout);
The goal of marketing is to make sales efforts unnecessary. His goal is to know and understand the client so well that the product or service will exactly fit the latter and sell themselves. (P. Drucker.)
Marketing is the process by which a firm establishes a creative and fruitful relationship with the environment in which it sells its goods and services. (IBM)

Marketing is the foresight, management and satisfaction of the demand for goods and services, organizations, people, territories and ideas through exchange (JR Evans and B. Berman);
Marketing – activities aimed at identifying and meeting the needs and desires of consumers through the exchange process (G. Assesel);
Marketing – the art and science of finding, maintaining and nurturing customers;