Several times I have already returned to the topic of sales forecasting, nevertheless I consider it necessary to formulate and specify a separate note by the marketing specialist what factors influence sales and which should be taken into account by the salesman when forecasting sales and determining the scope of work necessary to fulfill the forecast.
Influential factors are external and internal, independent of the forecast, so dependent, which must be taken into account in the marketing activity of the company. The general, typical list of factors influencing the dynamics of sales is not as big as it may seem at first glance.
- Actions of authorities (local and federal level), current legislation and its amendment
- General Dynamics – the trend of the market segment in which the company operates;
- The activities or inaction of competitors;
- Product portfolio, assortment, its diversification;
- Seasonal fluctuations, seasonal sales dynamics;
- Consumer and consumer behavior;
- Everything called accounting, sales policy, pricing;
- Stability, balanced marketing channel;
- Company management, motivation and demotivation
- Trade marketing and seis marketing
- Advertising, all that relates to ATL

I would call a couple more, but for the sake of simplicity we will hang on and omit the possible controversy, as a result of continuing the list, and we’ll stop there. I wrote the headline “Factors to Consider When Forecasting Sales” and understood that it is necessary to express myself more precisely: it is for these factors that the entire planning system of sales and marketing departments of companies is built and the same factors underlie most sales forecasting models. Decipher each of the factors: