External links are one of the fundamentals of SEO site promotion. What links will search engines like and promote your online store, and what links can be taken for spam and harm your positions? Linkbuilding is the construction of a reference mass of the site for the purpose of search engine promotion. In general, this is the process of accumulating a large number of external links to your site. Linkbuilding – this is not just link building and it is incorrect to think that the purchase of links – it is linkbuilding. Rather, it is a strategy that is used to obtain external links from quality resources.
Simple purchase of links on the stock exchanges may not lead to the growth of site positions, and to a bank in the search engine – if it is frankly not thematic, poor quality links that were placed through the exchange, or are on resources with a huge number of different quality links.
How to check what links to the site is already there?
Services for checking external links there is a huge number – serpstat, ahrefs. Separately, I would like to dwell on the beta version of the new service. It defines the “spaminess” of placed links and tells you which links the search engine can consider as bad. Before the search engine indexes such links, it is better to block them or remove them from the specified sites.
Where can I get good links?

- Popular theme blogs and sites. By contacting the administration of the site, you can find out what are the options for cooperation. These can be authors’ materials for a blog or articles that were specially prepared for this site.
- Social networks. A link that was placed in a social network is equal to an organic link. An important task for the owner of the site is to prepare content that users will scatter, thereby increasing the number of external social links.
- Catalogs. Search engines have a number of their own directories. At Google – this is Google Business, Google Maps. There are also other quality catalogues – each theme has its own. It is worth paying attention to the quality of content on such sites, as well as that they were in your topic.
- Forums and reviews. Search engines pay attention to reviews of the site product, as well as posts and messages on forums. To increase the number of such links, you can directly communicate with the administration or resort to guerilla marketing methods.
Determine where links to your resource will look logical and correct, find places where your target audience is often, and develop a linking strategy. This will definitely have an impact on your search engine results!
Stages of work
Works that contribute to building reference mass begin with a detailed audit of the resource. At this stage, the priority of regions is determined and a project portrait is formed. Then a list of suitable sites for placing links is compiled. After that, the launch of the natural reference mass building begins. Upon completion of all works, specialists submit a basic report to the customers with a description of all applied marketing tools and a list of works performed.
Placing natural links will help to solve such problems:
- increase the visibility of the site in search engines;
- obtaining additional target traffic to the web resource;
- increase company recognition and consumer interest in the product;
- acceleration of indexing and increase in organic traffic growth dynamics;
- forming an optimal online resource reference profile (in terms of SEO).
Before starting posting, it is mandatory to schedule all publications made on selected online sites. Any feedback and comments are written specifically for the selected site.